Calculator notary fees mortgage loan Romania

Online calculator webage
Calculate online the notary fees for a mortgage loan in Romania.
– The results and prices displayed in this calculator are for information purposes only.
– The form is only valid for the calculation of notary fees in Romania.

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Calculator Taxe Notariale Credit Ipotecar
Cursul valutar:
Introduceti valoare Credit Ipotecar in Euro:
Valoare Credit in Lei: Lei
Taxe Platite de Garant / Debitor / Imprumutat:
Alte taxe: Lei (TVA 19% inclus)
Taxe notariale autentificare contract ipoteca: Lei (TVA 19% inclus)
Taxa ANCPI pentru intabulare:
(1 carte funciara)
TOTAL Taxe Contract de credit: Lei
Alte taxe:
Impozit catre bugetul de stat: Lei

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