Citate inspiraționale despre site-uri web, web design, marketing digital și afaceri online
Dacă ești în căutarea inspirației pentru afacerea ta online, ești în locul potrivit. Descoperă citate motivaționale despre web design, marketing digital și importanța unei prezențe puternice pe internet.
Este timpul să fii online!
Decizia de a deveni activ în online este esențială și trebuie să o vezi ca o investiție fără de care va fi tot mai greu să rămâi vizibil pentru clienții sau publicul tău.
Acționează acum!
Nu sta pe gânduri, nu încerca să planifici prea mult.
Trăim într-o lume dinamică, în care viteza de reacție este esențială. Dacă nu o faci tu, o vor face alții înaintea ta.
If you’re not meeting your visitors’ needs, it doesn’t matter how ‘Optimized’ your site is.
Stoney Degeyter
Don’t be afraid of technology. Embrace it. See the growth potential of new horizons.
Poonam Khubani
If you’re going to post content on your website anyway, you might as well take the time to make sure Google takes notice of your effort.
Content is the emotional and informational bridge between commerce and consumer.
Jay Baer
Great web design without functionality is like a sports car with no engine.
Paul Cookson
Check out my website. I get paid per view.
Good design is good business.
Otl Aicher
You can’t just ‘SEO’ your website and be done. It’s a forever moving goal post.
Stoney deGeyter
Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them, and sometimes it an ad.
Howard Luck Gossage
Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.
Wendy Piersal
Give them quality. That’s the best kind of advertising.
Milton Hershey
Your website is the window of your business. Keep it fresh, keep it exciting.
Jay Conrad Levinson
Every page of content you’ve created could be the first interaction with your web sitethink of every quote.
Jay Baer
If you have a web site, it makes your small business look big.
Natalie Sequera
Normal is the wrong name often used for average.
Henry S. Haskins
No website can stand without a strong backbone.
Neil Patel
Did you know that 93% of online experience begin with a search engine?
If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.
Ralf Speth
Websites promote you 24/7. No employee will do that.
Natalie Sequera
Everybody thinks their website is above average.
Matt Cutts
Design is not just what it looks and feels like. Design is how it works.
Steve Jobs
There is no business without marketing.
Ignoring online marketing is like opening a business but not telling anyone.
In the information age, build a website before build a workplace.
Think about what a user is going to type.
Matt Cutts
SEO is a marathon, not a sprint.
Neil Patel
Normal is the wrong name often used for average.
Henry S. Haskins
No website can stand without a strong backbone.
Neil Patel
Did you know that 93% of online experience begin with a search engine?
If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.
Ralf Speth
Good SEO is paying attention to all the details that most bloggers ignore.
Ryan Biddulph
Never start a business to just make a money start a business to make a difference.
Marie Ferloe
Ignoring digital marketing is like representing your business without any audience.
Jassen Mathew
Getting a quality website is not an expenses but rather an investment.
Christophe Dayagdag
Maintenance is like car insurance. If you’re lucky nothing happens for a long time. If you’re unlucky the site can have problems from the first week.
A bad website is like a flat tire. You can’t go anywhere until you change it.
You don’t have the second chance to make a first impression.
Visitor that left
Being first in the search result organically in Google is the dream of all website owners.
From the wisdom of the internet
Hope is free and priceless at the same time.
Marketing is like sex. Everyone thinks that they are good at it.
Steve Tobak
If at first you don’t succeed you’re running about average.
M. H. Alderson
Everyone wants to be successful until they see what it actually takes.
Build your website by understanding your audience’s phycology and behavior, rather than showcasing your stuff.
Do not try to win awards! Be true to your subject and you will be far more likely to create something that is timeless. That’s where the true art lies.
Make it simple, but significant.
Anonymous designer
Styles come and go. Good design is a language, not a style.
Massimo Vignelli
Everything is designed. Few things are designed well.
Brian Reed
Marketing is like sex. Everyone thinks that they are good at it.
Steve Tobak
If at first you don’t succeed you’re running about average.
M. H. Alderson
Everyone wants to be successful until they see what it actually takes.
Commit to a niche. Try to stop being everything to everyone.
Andrew Davis
Everyone is not your customer.
Seth Godin
Make the customer the hero of your story
Ann Handley